The Ultimate Productivity Hack For Entrepreneurs Who Want to Get More Done

What If I Told You That In Just The

Next 10 Days, You Could Increase...

  • Your energy levels so that you can get more done every single day without feeling burnt out...

  • Your presence and awareness so that you can show up for your team with confidence...

  • Your performance in your business so you can grow a world-changing empire without killing yourself in the process...

By simply drinking enough water.​

NOTE : This challenge is completely and totally free.

Put your credit card away. You won't need it for the Natural Thirst Challenge

DISCLAIMER This is not a water drinking competition. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting The

Natural Thirst Challenge or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start The Natural Thirst Challenge if your

physician or health care provider advises against it.

What Is The 10-Day Natural Thirst Challenge?

If you’re an entrepreneur, you will always be the most vulnerable person in your business.


You have more exposure than anyone else in your business.

You have more responsibility than anyone else in your business.

You have to make more decisions than anyone else in your business.

You have a drive to do more, be more, and make a bigger impact, but the hustle and grind of growing your business is taking a toll on your mental, emotional, and physical health.

You've started staying up late to work on the business after your spouse and kids go to sleep. You find yourself reaching for the easiest thing to eat during the day because there's just too much going on. Sometimes, you make it to the end of the day and you realize that you have not even had a sip of water.

You've tried multiple diet programs and challenges to get your body and mind back to when you first started your business and you felt like you were in momentum.

But the programs burn out quickly, the challenges fail to stick long-term, and before you know it, you're right back where you started…

And each time you fail is like a downward spiral taking you further away from the momentum you crave.

I know how you feel... Because I have been exactly where you are...​

I discovered a while ago in my own life that I was chronically dehydrated. I was suffering from a host of crazy physiological and psychological symptoms from not drinking enough water.

I had inflammation in my body. I had digestive issues. I was taking “the purple pill” to deal with a lot of the things that were happening in my digestion.

I did not feel great about myself and I did not feel great in my body.

Luckily, because I’m an entrepreneur like you, I started doing a ton of research on the symptoms that I have had. What I found shocked me. The symptoms that I was having were the same symptoms as dehydration.

I even compared the symptoms treated by the top 20 prescription drugs in the United States, and they are identical to the symptoms someone experiences when they are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration causes digestive issues, inflammation, chronic pain, confusion, frustration, anxiety, depression, and numerous psychological issues.

So I did what any person with an entrepreneurial spirit would do: I became obsessed with drinking more water. I carried the gallon of water around. I wrote down every time I drank. I set timers and alarms to remind myself to drink.

The problem was that it didn't work. I would still forget to drink. I would still look up at 4:30 PM and think, “Crap, I didn't have any water today!” And my symptoms did not go away.

It was horrible.

But… I'm one of those really unique people just like you that is willing to go down a rabbit hole that does not seem to have an end. In my spare time, I was reading books about water. I was reading articles about water. I started learning that the instinct of the human body to drink water is a really subtle instinct.

Our bodies will tell us, “Hey, you're thirsty.” And if you do not drink, your body does not keep screaming for water because you can survive without it for a time.

I started recognizing and realizing was that there had to be a way to wake up our natural thirst instinct, overcome the symptoms of chronic dehydration, and get into momentum.

That is why I created the Natural Thirst Challenge.

NOTE : This challenge is completely and totally free.

Put your credit card away. You won't need it for the Natural Thirst Challenge

Natural Thirst is a Transformative Approach to Entrepreneurial Optimization​

This is not a drinking contest.It is also not a water fast.It is a complete reprogramming of your relationship with water.

Right now, your thirst instinct is a whisper.The 10-Day Natural Thirst Challenge is designed to turn it into a shout.

Your body has the power to tell you when it needs water to operate optimally, but only when it knows that there is an abundance of resources around you.

Reclaim your body’s Natural Thirst Instinct with three simple adjustments to the beverages you consume.

Elimination anything but water for 10 days

Hyperhydrate your body every morning

Reprogram your relationship with water

This low-risk program is designed to give you the highest rewards in your hydration


NOTE : This challenge is completely and totally free.

Put your credit card away. You won't need it for the Natural Thirst Challenge

Real People Are Reclaiming Their Natural Thirst...​

"I Feel So Much Better and Alive!"​

"This challenge is really focusing me on drinking more water."

"My Life Has Changed!"​

NOTE : This challenge is completely and totally free.

Put your credit card away. You won't need it for the Natural Thirst Challenge

I Still Have Hesitations Because...​

What if I need my coffee to get through the day?

This reliance on coffee is actually the body’s signal that you are chronically dehydrated. Needing caffeine to maintain energy throughout the day means that the brain is in a state of deficit and needs resources to resume working at full capacity. By only drinking water for the Ten-Day Natural Thirst Challenge, you will reclaim your hydration and find that not only do you no longer need that cup of coffee to get through the day, but you will also have more energy without it.

What if I don't like the taste of water?

This could be a symptom rather than a preference. It might be a signal that your Bliss Point is peaked. By consuming high quantities of artificial sweeteners and table salts, the chemical receptors on your tongue will become less effective at sending accurate signals to your brain. By drinking only water for the full Ten-Day Natural Thirst Challenge, you can reset your Bliss Point and rediscover how delicious water can taste when you are fully hydrated and fully optimized.

Drinking water makes me feel sick, what should I do?

This could be a signal that your body is producing excess acid in the stomach. That excess acid is reacting and creating that nauseated feeling. Through the course of the Natural Thirst Challenge, we have seen entrepreneurs overcome struggles with acid in their stomachs and finally move past some chronic digestive issues. If the sick feeling is overbearing, hyperhydrate with less water but do it more frequently.

I already drink a couple of glasses of water every day, isn’t that enough?

If you’re already drinking water, that is great! I’m sure you landed on this page because you want to optimize your productivity and get more done on a daily basis. Consider this… what have you got to lose? You’re already in the habit of drinking water, but the more hydrated you are, the more effective you will be. The more hydrated you are, the better you will show up for your team. The more more hydrated you are, the more energy you will have to grow your business.

How much water should I be drinking?

This is not a water drinking contest or competition. The Ten-Day Natural Thirst Challenge is designed to reawaken your Natural Thirst Instinct and optimize your life as an entrepreneur. There is no set number of ounces or cups you will need to drink every day. There is not an equation based on your body weight. The entire point of the challenge is to drink when you are thirsty. That’s it. Drink as much water as your body needs. It is probably more than you think.

Isn’t coffee or tea mostly water? What’s the difference?

Sure, but your liver and kidneys must filter out all of the additives in order to utilize it. When we consume water for the full Ten-Day Natural Thirst Challenge, you will give your body a break from all of the filtration activities and allow it to heal and focus on utilizing the abundant resources you provide it. You may find that just after ten days, your body is detoxifying, you are feeling lighter, and you might actually be lighter as a result of your body releasing the toxins it was holding onto.

Am I only supposed to drink water for the full ten days?

Yes. Remember, though, this is not a water fast. You can still eat food while participating in the challenge. In terms of beverages, though, only drink water. There are two exceptions, if you drink a meal-replacement protein shake every day or drink a cup of bone broth for your health. Other than that, focus on only drinking water.

NOTE : This challenge is completely and totally free.

Put your credit card away. You won't need it for the Natural Thirst Challenge

DISCLAIMER This is not a water drinking competition. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting The Natural Thirst Challenge or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start The Natural Thirst Challenge if your physician or health care provider advises against it.

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